Assembling Lines


Working stations interconnected for assembling a specific product or product line. The workstations can be manual or automated, to perform operations as: general manipulations, welding, electrical/mechanical tests, visual inspection, and more.

Reach your objectives of productivity and quality!

Count with Isotron to design and build ideals assembly lines for your process. Add your ideas with ours to found out the better solution.


  • Projects molded according to mechanical application;
  • Automation based on necessaries resources to achieve planned success;
  • Workstations interconnected by motorized conveyors and different models, as is necessary;
  • Workstation transfers by pneumatic manipulators or electrical actuators;
  • PLC and HMI control with possibilities of a single PLC managing all line or various processing units spread around the equipment;
  • Communication between workstations through many industrial protocols and/or discrete signals;
  • Supervisory software to manage production, quality, engineering and maintenance.

Contact Isotron: +55 (41) 3138-8585

Do you have any questions about our products; want to talk to Isotron? Contact us, will be a pleasure attend you!

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Conheça melhor a Isotron

A Isotron é uma empresa brasileira que atua no seguimento industrial desde 1996. Iniciou suas atividades e consolidou sua marca como fabricante de máquinas e equipamentos para solda por resistência. Em outra divisão possui parcerias com grandes marcas presentes no mercado mundial, onde distribui e representa componentes para instalações elétricas diversas, entre os produtos ofertados encontram-se, sistemas de interconexão, tomadas multipolares blindadas, cabos elétricos, painéis de distribuição de energia, entre outros.

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